Image of Algebra Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers: Linear & Quadratic Equations, Cross Multiplying, and Systems of Equations

Printed Book

Algebra Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers: Linear & Quadratic Equations, Cross Multiplying, and Systems of Equations

This Algebra Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers provides ample practice for developing fluency in very fundamental algebra skills - in particular, how to solve standard equations for one or more unknowns. These algebra 1 practice exercises are relevant for students of all levels - from grade 7 thru college algebra. This workbook is conveniently divided up into seven chapters so that students can focus on one algebraic method at a time. Skills include solving linear equations with a single unknown (with a separate chapter dedicated toward fractional coefficients), factoring quadratic equations, using the quadratic formula, cross multiplying, and solving systems of linear equations. Not intended to serve as a comprehensive review of algebra, this workbook is instead geared toward the most essential algebra skills. An introduction describes how parents and teachers can help students make the most of this workbook. Students are encouraged to time and score each page. In this way, they can try to have fun improving on their records, which can help lend them confidence in their math skills.


CLB01129512 MCM aSekolah Cikal Lebak Bulus (Teachers Literature)Available
CLB01130512 MCM aSekolah Cikal Lebak Bulus (Teachers Literature)Available

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Series Title
Call Number
512 MCM a
Publisher -CreateSpace Independent Publishing : South Carolina.,
209 pages: ill. ;25 cm
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