Image of Mathematics Beads

Printed Book

Mathematics Beads

Beads are a versatile maths resource to help students understand the concepts of counting, sorting, patterning, addition, subtraction and much more. Beads can be used in a wide range of maths activities. This set consists of 10x10 unit numbers beads in 10 colours. The beads measure as ball with diameter 35 mm each and the set is supplied in a compartment plastic box. Some activities that can be done with beads can be found below. 1. Patterning Create a pattern of beads and let students copy or continue the pattern. Let students find out what the next colour of the bead should be. Start of with easy pattern and increase the difficulty as students progress. 2. Create number lines with pipe cleaners Attach pipe cleaners to a string, each 5 cm apart. The pipe cleaners will hang down from the string. Add one bead to the first pipe cleaner, two beads to the second pipe cleaner, three beads to the third, and so one. This will help students visualise the number concept. 3. Place Value Create your own Base Ten set with beads. This project will help understand the concept of place value, and it will show children that tens are 10x one unit, and one hundred is 10x ten. Create units, longs and flats. Add one bead to a string and knot the ends. This will be the units. Create longs by adding ten beads to a sting and knot the ends. By combining ten sets of longs with a string, you can create longs. Students can experiment with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by using their self-created units, longs and flats. A perfect way to integrate art into maths classes! Ages 4+ years.


LT00002NBM ANO mSekolah Cikal Surabaya (Toys Section)Available - Available

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@10 pcs (for each Basis Numbers)
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Basis 1 to 10 Beads in Colours (Homemade)
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